Our partnerships with foundations, individuals donors, optical retailers, experts in non-profit management, and partner NGO’s have been critical to our success in achieving the goal of clear eyesight. For this we are deeply grateful and look forward to building these relationships in the years to come.

Our retail optical partner in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Glasses Half Full, is the founding member of our Pair for Pair, Retail Optical Program. Participants make a contribution to GoodVision for every pair of eyeglasses sold. Michael Kreuzer, OD and owner of Glasses Half Full, has been an enthusiastic financial and technical supporter of GoodVision from day one and serves as a trusted advisor. 

The Tawingo Fund provides grants to small and medium sized charitable organizations serving under resourced communities in low-income countries. They have provided funding that supports generalized operations for GoodVision USA in Liberia.  

Pro bono legal assistance has been generously provided by Joe Miller of Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP. 

Redekop Family Endowment 

The Redekop Family Endowment has been a loyal supporter of GoodVision USA’s work in Liberia in loving memory of Charles Beede who died in 2023.  The Redekop Family has supported general operational expenses for both GoodVision USA and Liberia.  This includes a generous grant supporting the purchase and running costs of a critical vehicle for transporting staff and equipment to distant outreach activities.   Additionally, Redekop has provided support to increase GVUSA development capacity to support the work and impact of our programs 

In Memory of Charles Beede    

Charles was a dedicated GoodVision volunteer who brought his marketing experience and fundraising network to his work with GoodVision. He helped us imagine new ways to connect GoodVision with partners in the US and brought his considerable business acumen to improve GoodVision’s fundraising efforts. We feel lucky to have been able to work so closely with Charles. He clearly inspired many others with his generous spirit.  

The support of the endowment has supported the growth of GoodVision Liberia. In addition to dedicated gifts from the Redekop Family Foundation, friends and family of Charles Beede made generous gifts to GoodVision in his memory. These donors include: 

 – Ralph Weas

– Kas and Greg Vargo

– Joseph and Mary Louise Bates

– Steve and Susan Maxwell

– Lily Liu 

Our partners from L’Occitane Foundation provided funds to expand our work in Liberia to make eyewear and eye care accessible to all Liberians.  The Foundation’s Caring for Sight program is one of the world’s leading funders of prevention of blindness and improving eyesight programs. We are proud to be a part of this effort.

L’Occitane North America teamed up with the  L’Occitane Foundation to support GoodVision through internal fundraising efforts with its employees and officially sponsored our work in Liberia. 

The Seattle Foundation funded GoodVision with generalized support through a private donor. 

Pro bono legal assistance has been provided by attorney, Joe Miller of Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath, LLP, from the inception of GoodVision.


The Thayer Family Trust funds GoodVision with generalized support. 

The James M. and Cathleen D. Stone Foundation funds GoodVision with generalized support. 

Glasses Half Full is our optical retail partner from Edmonton, Canada, and participates in the Pair for Pair program.

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© 2025 PO Box 600121 Newtonville MA 02460, GoodVision USA, Inc., a US 501 (c)(3) public charity, EIN 83-1871284